
Infinix Note 11 Pro reviews by real users Infinix Note 11 Pro

User score

Overall satisfaction
  • 17
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
18 reviews
  • Screen9.0
  • Performance9.1
  • Camera8.7
  • Connectivity9.5
  • Battery8.0
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Design & Materials

Is it a drop-resistant and scratch-resistant smartphone?

18 reviews

Do you think it's a nice phone?

18 reviews

Is it comfortable?

18 reviews

Can you see it well in the sunlight?

18 reviews

Performance & Hardware

Does it have good sound?

18 reviews

Does it work smoothly in everyday use?

18 reviews

What's your experience been with demanding games?

18 reviews


Quality of daytime photos

18 reviews

Quality of nighttime photos

18 reviews

Quality of selfies

18 reviews

Does it have a powerful flash?

18 reviews


Does it have good coverage for calls?

18 reviews

Quality of the GPS

18 reviews

And the WiFi?

18 reviews


How long does the battery last?
  • 0%
    Less than half day
  • 17%
    Less than a day
  • 22%
    One day
  • 50%
    More than one day
  • 11%
    Two days or more

18 reviews


Did it come with preinstalled applications?
  • 6%
    It comes with a clean operating system
  • 83%
    It has preinstalled apps but they don't bother me
  • 11%
    It has preinstalled apps that I can't uninstall

18 reviews

Do you regularly receive updates?
  • 14%
  • 0%
    Once a year
  • 43%
    Every six months
  • 43%
    Every two months or less

18 reviews

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User reviews

  • Gutes Smartphone zum guten Preis

    Design und Bildschirm finde ich qualitativ super.

    Vor allem der große Bildschirm ist toll, zumal es nur wenige Smartphones ab 6,9 Zoll gibt.

    Die Qualität und Schnelligkeit der Bildschirmwiedergabe und der Apps lässt nicht vermuten daß es sich um ein eher niedrigpreisiges Produkt handelt(!)

    Das es keine deutsche Menüsprache gibt (dafür aber wirklich zahlreiche andere Sprachen)
    wundert mich nicht sonderlich da es regulär auf dem deutschen Markt nicht erhältlich ist.
    Man bekommt es nur aus dem Ausland
    (Stand März 2023).

    Bildschirmschutzfolie ist ab Werk drauf, was ich sehr gut finde.
    Kopfhörer gibt es im Paket keine,
    dafür war eine durchsichtige Handyhülle bei mir dabei und ja das Ladekabel ist auch hier noch komplett MIT Stecker im Paket
    (Das können selbst die teuren Hersteller nicht mehr!:(

    Benachrichtigungsleuchte/Lämpchen habe ich leider nicht entdeckt, lässt sich aber zumindest ähnliches durch entsprechende Notification-Apps nachinstallieren.

    Akkudauer hat definitiv Luft nach oben (empfinde ich eher als sehr mässig) es hält nicht Mal einen ganzen Tag durch. Dafür lässt es sich wenigstens schnell wieder aufladen...

    Klangmässig gibt es Luft nach oben (mein Honor 8 Max klingt definitiv besser)
    allerdings ist der Klang auch nicht schlimm oder "blechdosenartig" also es ist in Ordnung wenn auch nicht super.

    Fotos kommen gut und realgetreu daher.

    Nachtrag: in ziemlich vielen Ländern zu gebrauchen, in der USA leider nicht da viel zu wenige entsprechende Bänder.
    Mag für viele nicht relevant sein, für mich schon. Schade....

    • Design
    • Bildschirmquali
    • Geschwindigkeit
    • Akkudauer
    • Klang
    • Keine Benachrichtigungsleuchte
    • Keine deutsche Menüsprache
    • Kaum bis keine Funktion in den USA
    • 8.6
    • Screen9.5
    • Performance7.6
    • Camera8.0
    • Connectivity9.0
    • Battery5.0
  • It's a great Budget phone if you are searching something for gaming but sometimes it's touch bothers

    • 9.8
    • Screen9.5
    • Performance10
    • Camera8.5
    • Connectivity9.6
    • Battery9.0
  • Excellent

    Display is amazing for this price, camera is good, smooth for everyday use, no major bug on the OS just bloatware that can be uninstalled.

    • 10
    • Screen9.2
    • Performance8.6
    • Camera7.7
    • Connectivity8.6
    • Battery9.0
  • Very good camera

    The design seems beautiful to me, it feels good, the construction materials feel of good quality, the screen is good, 120hz is felt, the brightness is good both maximum and minimum, I wish it were amoled but it would be too much to ask, the colors are visible good as are the viewing angles.
    The performance is very good, it feels very fluid and in demanding games it works very well and does not heat up as much.
    The photo of the main day camera is impressively good, it has very good detail and it also has a telephoto sensor that works quite well, only an angular sensor would be missing, the video is within the price range.
    The connectivity is good, it takes a good signal and works well, the sound sounds good and the battery lasts the whole day, it charges in approximately 1h 19m, quite well.
    In conclusion, for $ 250 it is a very good option if you are looking for a large screen and good photos but it fulfills the other sections perfectly.

    • Camera
    • Telephoto
    • Battery
    • Design
    • RAM
    • Price
    • The software is good but could improve.
    • 9.5
    • Screen8.7
    • Performance9.6
    • Camera9.5
    • Connectivity10
    • Battery9.0
  • Auto
    excellent device

    It's great in all its features, camera with 30x zoom is incredible, battery performs very well, huge 6.95" screen at 120hz is super fluid, processor I can play genshin impact at ultra quality at 60fps

    • Camera
    • Processor
    • screen
    • Battery
    • Performance
    • 30x zoom
    • The brightness is not very high at maximum in sunlight
    • 9.8
    • Screen9.2
    • Performance10
    • Camera9.7
    • Connectivity10
    • Battery9.0
  • Auto
    Value for money it works

    • 9
    • Screen8.7
    • Performance9.3
    • Camera8.6
    • Connectivity9.3
    • Battery9.0
  • Auto
    Excellent mid-range at a good price

    It is an excellent device for daily and photographic use, it can even be used to photograph the moon using the pro mode. They could improve the graphics processor for future models and thus improve the gamer section

    • excellent screen
    • very good cameras
    • Record at stable 1080p
    • Very comfortable interface.
    • very fluent
    • hardly gets hot
    • GPU limits graphics in some games
    • Does not update the Android system
    • 9
    • Screen9.2
    • Performance8.6
    • Camera9.7
    • Connectivity8.0
    • Battery7.0
  • Auto
    Good team for people with little money

    The equipment is quite complete for the price it offers us. I've been using it for more than a year and a half and it has had some errors due to updates but they resolve it quickly. In fact, I liked this team so much that I want to continue driving this brand

    • Performance
    • Call connectivity
    • decent photo quality
    • Processor
    • Daylight display
    • Sound
    • Photo quality at night
    • GPS connectivity
    • 8.4
    • Screen9.0
    • Performance9.0
    • Camera7.2
    • Connectivity8.6
    • Battery7.0
  • Auto
    It's very good for its price.

    • 9.2
    • Screen6.5
    • Performance8.0
    • Camera8.2
    • Connectivity9.3
    • Battery9.0
  • Auto
    Good smartphone at a good price

    I think the quality of the design and screen is great. Above all, the large screen is great, especially since there are only a few smartphones from 6.9 inches. The quality and speed of the screen display and the apps do not suggest that this is a rather low-priced product(!) The fact that there is no German menu language (but there are really numerous other languages) does not surprise me as it is not regular on the German market is available. You can only get it from abroad (as of March 2023). The screen protector comes with it from the factory, which I really like. There are no headphones in the package, but I had a transparent cell phone case with me and yes, the charging cable is still complete with a plug in the package (even the expensive manufacturers can't do that anymore!:( Unfortunately I didn't discover the notification light/light, lets but at least something similar can be installed later using the appropriate notification apps. The battery life definitely has room for improvement (I find it rather moderate) it doesn't last a whole day. But at least it can be quickly recharged... In terms of sound, there's room for improvement (my (Honor 8 Max definitely sounds better) however the sound isn't bad or 'tin can' like either so it's ok if not great photos come out nice and true to life as far as the overall package is concerned I'd say all things considered a 2-

    • design
    • screen quality
    • speed
    • battery life
    • sound
    • No notification light
    • No German menu language
    • 8
    • Screen9.5
    • Performance6.0
    • Camera6.5
    • Connectivity10
    • Battery5.0

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Last update
August 5, 2023
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Latest changes
  • New opinion 10 months ago
Ki Cost-effective
No price,
no Ki
  • 6.2 Design & Materials
  • 6.7 Performance & Hardware
  • 6.9 Camera
  • 6.1 Connectivity
  • 6.5 Battery
What is a Ki score?
Ki is an automatic score based on the specifications and prices of devices. It is calculated using over 200 variables to rank smartphones, tablets and other devices from best to worst.
How do we calculate the Ki?

In this case, to determine the score we evaluate 5 general aspects:

  • Design and screen
  • Hardware and performance
  • Camera
  • Connectivity
  • Battery

Once these 5 factors have been rated, we introduce the price variable. This means that any two devices with the same ratings get a different Ki score for quality vs price.

Even a device objectively worse than another may have a higher Ki score if it has a better price.

Does the Ki score change?

The Ki varies as time goes by. As new devices with better specifications enter the market the Ki score of older devices will go down, always being compensated of their decrease in price.